How does PrEstoCloud address the constraint of low-power edge devices?


How does PrEstoCloud address the constraint of low-power edge devices?

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One of the PrEstoCloud project’s aims is to leverage the edge for some computation and take advantages of low-latency. However, there is a constraint that edge devices are characterised by small computing power and they have hardware resource limitations in practice. In the PrEstoCloud solution, the “Mobile On/Offloading Processing” component provides the interface for monitoring of edge devices (e.g. microcontroller-based, Android-based, lightweight Linux-based computers, etc.) by communicating with “On/Offloading Agent” installed on each edge device. This component is responsible for stop, start or migration of computational tasks from the edge side to the cloud in situations where the edge device is not able to handle the current workload any more.

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